Our Small Groups Are Called NEST Groups.
Our small groups at Eagle Ridge are called NEST Groups. This is where authentic relationships take place. You’ll find caring friends, prayer support, and interactive Bible study to help you develop spiritually.
In-Person & Online Zoom NEST Group Bible Studies & On-Campus Studies Available
Monday Zoom Study (Zoom)
Roper NEST Group
Facilitators: Greg & Susan Roper
For information contact:
Email: susanlroper@yahoo.com
White NEST Group
Facilitators: Tom & Sharon White
For information contact:
Contact: Sharon: (209) 629-1797
Email: sallyjgoodall@gmail.com
ThursdayFor young families
with children
Schmidt/Parker Nest Group
with children
Schmidt/Parker Nest Group
For young families with children
For information contact:
Jeff Schmidt (951) 767-8155
Email: jschmidt@eagleridge.church
Women’s Bible Studies
(These are not NEST Groups)
Monday’s 9:30 AM
Meeting on the campus of Eagle Ridge Church
More InfoMen’s Bible Study Fellowship
“War Room”
(Not a NEST Group)
Meeting on the campus of Eagle Ridge Church
Starting Saturday, 09/26
Men’s Ministry Director: Matt Stengel
Time: 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Are You Interested
In leading a Home Bible Study?
Has God put on your heart to lead/facilitate a home Bible Study at Eagle Ridge Church?
We will provide all the training and preparation to help you lead successfully.
Are You Interested
Hosting a Home Bible Study?
Has God put on your heart to open up your home for a Bible Study?
We will provide all the training and preparation to help you host successfully.
Ready To Sign Up?
Fill out the form below, and see for your self what Small Groups are all about. Once submitted, we will connect you with a group that best fits your availablity.